Best of my works

Static Website

This is a static website which consists of multiple pages. It is a site for interior design and home decoration company.
built with:
Static Website


It's a project on conversion to HTML from PSD file. This is a single page static website.
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Dynamic Website (Server Side)

This is a dynamic ecommerce website for admin panel which is created with laravel. Basically this is back-end of the ecommerce site and also linked up with a front-end.
In addition, the front-end of this site is created with vue.js whose link is also given bellow.
built with:
Server Side Website

Dynamic Website (Client Side)

Client Side Website
This is a dynamic ecommerce website which is created with vue js. Basically this is front-end of the ecommerce site and also linked up with a back-end.
In addition, the back-end of this site, which is only accessed by the admin panel, is created with laravel whose link has also be given before.
built with:

For more you can check out my github

Let's work together.

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